Friday, May 25, 2012

unexpected find

Browsing through the succulent section of the local garden store lately I was very surprised to find this lovely specimen among the regular green salicola plants. Doesn't it look quite like the Bacchus cultivar? It's very small and a bit too long. Knowing my luck with salicolas its chances to thrive aren't that high, but way better than in the flower shop.
Yes, they sell lithops here sometimes but mostly very poorly grown, overwatered and hopeless. 


  1. Interesting, does this species belong to the stable cultivar or is it just atypical in the sowing? Anyway, it looks great :)

    1. I'd say it's an atypical seedling somehow mixed with a bunch of others and hidden unknowingly like an easter egg. The color is very unusual for any kind of lithops, funny noone has noticed it in the shop :) Hope it survives..

  2. Какая красота! Поздравляю! Чудесный экземпляр, действительно похож на Bacchus, думается это он и есть. Только никак не пойму почему вы так недооцениваете свои навыки в выращивании (или может я вас не правильно поняла?)

    1. спасибо :)
      литопс литопсу рознь: одни в моих условиях растут и процветают, другие отказываются. например salicola и julii у меня растут пару лет, вытягиваются, отказываются линять и умирают в большинстве случаев, хотя остальные литопсы даже и не думают тянутся (скорее уходят под землю), растут и линяют нормально. Пока ещё не выяснила, чего им конкретно не хватает..

    2. Да, странные они... Но все равно желаю успехов. Тем более с Бахусом - очень уж хочется сохранить такую ценность. ;)

  3. Yes, overwatering by nurseries is such a problem! You have to get to the store the day the lithops arrive, because they will soon be ruined, usually rotted. And if you tell them that lithops are supposed to be flat and wrinkled when dormant, they say, "No! They should be fat, not flat!" But of course, fat with water means dead in a few days....
    -Marla (US)

    1. So true! And the other thing is that the casual plant lovers (who don't know a thing about lithops) actually think that fat is beautiful and alright. How can a lithops plant be alright if it has huge fat old leaves in august? It then dies at the store or at the buyers home. You're right, if you get the plants once they've arrived it's okay, but a couple of weeks later there's nothing more to do. I always see those lithops pots, initially full of lithops plants, standing there with ca. 5 plants left and many many gaps with old shells still in there. It's quite sad.

  4. How's this lithops? It's really nice :)

    1. It never regenerated and died after a while unfortunately. Salicola and julii don't grow on my windowsill for some reason. ..

  5. I think it is 'bacchus'. I like your blog a lot. So much fun to look at. ☺️
