Thursday, May 24, 2012

japanese julii

Remember the julii v. fulleri 'Kikushōgyoku' I got last year? Their old leaves looked very unimpressive back then but I knew they were real beauties. Now, after the leaf-change, you can finally see it!
I'm not a friend of julii. Meaning, apart from a couple of exceptions, they don't live long under my care. That's why I'm very careful with these guys. I think I've only watered them once since I got them, because I most certainly lost the others to overwatering. Seeing how beautiful they are I hope I'm doing things right this time.


  1. They are awesome! And rare (((...

    1. They are! I've been dreaming to have them for a long time. Now to keep them alive and happy (i.e. flowering) would be great. :)
      Actually I can't see much difference between kikushōgyoku (more tones of brown) and kōsōgyoku (more tones of red). My kōsōgyoku from Y. Shimada have died but I'm growing them from seeds now and the seedlings are quite promising after their second regeneration.

  2. Yes, they are beautiful. I can certainly understand your being careful..

    1. They seem to feel well so far but I'm keeping an eye on them.

  3. julii одни из моих любимых. Помня об этом вашем японском приобретении я как раз хотела спросить как они там поживают. Так что я очень рада их видеть. Настоящие красавци. Моя мама увидела эти фото когда я читала ваш блог сказала что они ей особо нравятся, и что они похожи на украшения из узорчатой яшмы ;)

    1. Они очень медленно линяли, но сейчас подрастают. Интересное сравнение. :) Как (живые) камушки в разрезе))

  4. really nice change!!!! grats =)

  5. Hello,

    It's a really wonderfull specie ! Did you know where i can find it (seed or plant (LOL)) ?

    Thanx a lot,


    1. Hi Marc :)

      Yes, they are really beautiful. They didn't flower this year so I don't have any seeds yet. You can try Kakteen Haage nursery. I got them from there.

  6. Thanx for your answer, i ask for it but no news yet. This plant is not in the actual catalogue so i 'm thinking nothing good :( I really hope your plant turn into flower and seed :)

    I would like to have information about Japan Lithops Growers, have you some link to give me ? (internet or postal adress)
    Thanx a lot,


  7. Replies
    1. They are still struggling with this year's regeneration... : /
      I'll post pictures soon.

    2. ¡Thanks!

      I am in love with this Lithops
