Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Avonia quinaria ssp. alstonii flowers coming soon

I was so looking forward to see these flowers but I'll have to wait a little bit longer because I'm going away for the weekend. I don't know when the buds are going to open and how long the flowers last but there are a couple more branches with possible flowers, so sooner or later... ;)
Credits for growing such a beautiful plant go to Mr. Kleinmichel from Atomic Plant Nursery. 


  1. Little bit jealous of that one. Have a great weekend. See ya on the flipside! LOL! LT

    1. Thanks! :)
      Who knows maybe the flowers will wait til I'm back. It takes them ages to develop, it seems.

    2. Some of mine only opened afternoon and only if they had some bright light/sun. So you may miss it if not attentive to this. You know you can get seeds from it a week or so later!

    3. The temperature is high but there's not that much sunshine lately. Do they bloom for several days or just one? Open-close-open-close like lithops? And you don't need a second plant to pollinate? That's interesing. :) I'll watch out for this :)

  2. This is a lovely little plant with a great caudex! I read somewhere about Avonias looking "like white worms", but that's not true, it's really beautiful.

    1. True! Even those that don't have a caudex like the quinarias are very beautiful, snowwhite and with really cute flowers :)
      Having seen all the pics online I'd so like to see these flowers.. :)
