Tuesday, June 5, 2012

more dorotheae

Here comes the rest of them. The "dotty" C300 has lost it's mate but I'm going to look out for a suitable partner. 


  1. Poor thing. I hope it finds a new partner soon - but with such dashing good looks it shouldn't struggle for long :-)

    1. I've just been to the nursery I got the plant on pic 3 from and among all the C300 there was another one with this pattern. Snatched it right away :) Now to see how their kids will look like would be really interesting!

  2. These are very beautiful Lithops! One thing I love about Lithops, besides their peculiarity, is their wonderful colours and patterns, and these dorotheae sure do display beautiful faces; they look like lightning or electricity. Today, I received my very first Lithops in the mail (sent in its pot!) :-). This is the first time I've seen a Lithops in real life. When I opened the box, I was amazed and over the moon! The Lithops was unidentified, but we've named him "Walter". Rika, I was wondering if you would be able to visit my site and see if you can help identify Walter?

    1. Thank you :)
      The plants are really something different and it's always exciting to get a new one or to see the first patterns on the seedlings.

  3. Вот она доротейка красавица "с дизайном в крапинку"! Пусть растет - радуется!

    1. Купила сегодня вторую такую же :)

    2. Надо же, какая красота что у вас можно вот так просто пойти и купить любимцев выбирая растения в живую! Мне из моего небольшого города доступны только заказы через интернет, в которых часто покупаешь вслепую, или же названия сплошь перепутаны.
      P.S. Ждем фото новоприобретенной ростюшки!

    3. Я опять на несколько дней в Эрфурте, и каждый раз заглядываю в Кактеен Хааге. В других городах и здесь такого нет. :)

  4. I have one little dorotheae, just beginning to grow. The colors are sooooo pretty. Yours are doing great!

    1. Dorotheae are the Lithops species that grow very well here, year after year. Good luck with yours! :)
