Sunday, May 13, 2012

Frithia humilis

I'm getting more and more interested in other mesembs but having very little room I'm now trying to buy the tiny ones. It's been a month and I still haven't introduced you to this Frithia humilis. It arrived very shriveled, probably still in it's winter sleep. Soon after it has lost one of its three growing points for some reason (condition change?) but the rest is growing just fine. If I'm not wrong there's also a flower coming up at the moment so I'm hopeful about it. It's very tiny and cute and has these tentacles growing out of its leaves making it even weirder looking.


  1. I have a bunch that I grew from seed about a year and a half ago. They are really cute. I can't wait for mine to bloom.

    1. I've seen pictures of very young frithia plants on the internet and they really are the cutest!

  2. Мне тоже этой весной подарили фритию. Симпатичную такую малышку. Посадила ее, как и свои литопсы, почти в чистый гравий и вот теперь наблюдаю как она себя чувствует. Поделитесь пожалуйста правилами ухода если знаете.

    1. У меня тоже как литопс растет, в чистой пемзе. К сожалению у меня тоже опыта мало, наблюдаю. Стивен Хаммер пару вещей о ней написал, но ничего особенного.

  3. Ооо... спасибо за ссылочку, интересно. Кстати ваша такая забавная - с усиками, и цвета такие бордовый с изумрудным... абалдеть...;)

  4. Hey Rika!

    Do you have a good online source for square, deep pots? One that might ship to the US? Having trouble finding some...


    1. Hi Eileen :)
      I get my square deep pots (5x5x8 cm and larger) from the german shop They should ship overseas. The problem is that the website is not in english. I've tried changing language but not everything appears translated. It might be difficult to order...

  5. Thanks! I do know a little bit of German, so hopefully I can figure it out. Is 11cm deep enough for adult plants? Or do you put your adults in the 5x5x8cm? Seems kinda small... I just want to make sure I give them enough root room, and hopefully they'll still fit on my windowsill.

    1. I keep almost all of my plants in 5x5x8cm pots and normally put 2 one-headed or 1 two-headed adult plant in it (sometimes it's 2 two-headed and 4 one-headed, I need the room ;) ). It's actually not that small and I haven't seen any signs that the roots don't have enough room. I find, it's more problematic with bigger pots actually, because it is more difficult to figure out the watering (the soil doesn't dry as quickly). :) In 2011 I've bought several 7x7x11cm pots because I also thought 5x5x8cm might be too small but I've used only a couple of them for lithops so far (see the difference in size on the group pics).

  6. Thanks for the info! Very helpful! I found something similar to a 5x5x8cm from a US company so I could save on shipping. Thanks again for the very helpful information! :)

    1. You're welcome and good luck with the purchase :)

  7. Rika У меня вопрос по фритии. Как узнать что она хочет пить? С литопсами все понятно, а тут тоже морщинок ждать? И как они выглядеть должны? Поделитесь пожалуйста опытом.

    1. Ирина, я честно не знаю. У меня она около месяца. Поливала два раза, когда казалось, что листья вялые и с морщинками, да. Но пьет она у меня как-то мало. Продолжаю наблюдать.

  8. Ясненько. Но все ровно спасибо за ответ. Буду и я со своей поступать по наблюдениям.
