Saturday, December 18, 2010


I haven't seen so much snow in ages. As soon as it starts melting it snows again. I'm not used to it at all but it is surely a beautiful sight.
Meanwhile the plants are quietly digesting their old leaves and growing new ones :)


  1. Wich temperature in your room in winter ?

    1. It's normal room temperature. The heater is directly underneath the windowsill but I don't keep track of temperature.. It's pretty warm, I think.

  2. Wow really ? and for winter rest it's ok ? Cause we can read that for Lithops a cold rest is the only way to keep them alive... At the same time when i see your collection i can say that's not true in fact... I keep mynes in my desk at work, windoswhill as you but i turn off the heater (and yes hard to stay in the desk for work but for plants i'm ready to do so crazy

    1. Yep. I like it warm in my home so the plants need to adapt :D
      It's probably better when it's cool in winter but I think the most important thing is that it's dry. If there's no water and enough light they do just fine during the winter. At least on my windowsill..
