
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Monilaria pisiformis seedlings

These Monilaria pisiformis seedlings are now one month old (actually younger, the seeds were sown on the 5th of April) but they already are growing their first true leaves, the bunny-ears kind, somehow breaking through the sides but okay, whatever :)
I'm very excited to grow them because of the two different kinds of leaf sets situation. I'm not sure how they will grow in their first year but I'm ready for all the surprises they'll throw at me!

The fat seedlings in the back are Cheiridopsis pillansii, sown 20th of April, by the way.

(Seeds from Mesa Garden)


  1. Hi! I´m Catalina, from Argentina. Yours pics are really really beautiful. I´m starting with the plants; first with Lithops and then Mammiliaria Compressa. Oh, they are an adicction! jajaja besos!

    1. Hi Catalina, nice to meet you :)
      Absolutely! Believe me, in no time you will fill every space available with these plants. First you look at pictures and then you want to have them all XD

  2. I got seed from Mesa Garden for the first time this year. They are doing well but I cannot get good photos.

    1. We'll have to wait until they're bigger to see your pics. ;) Normally I can't take pics of the smallest seedlings either.
