
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Transplanting Lithops in pumice substrate (video)

I was transplanting some Lithops today and thought I'd better catch it on video because I always receive questions about how to dig holes in pumice. The answer is you don't. You fill the container with dry pumice stones up to the brim, make sure the tip of the root is in and then wiggle a stick to make the stone collapse and pull the plant down by the root while slightly pushing from above. You don't have to be afraid to damage the roots. If you followed the rule to transplant dry-to-dry it'll all be fine. The pot in this video is 5x5cm small but you can get up to 16 young seedlings in it using this method. No need to dig holes or use the common cacti transplanting method by laying the plants on the side. Anyway, I find it quite easy and fast :)
(Sorry the video is not good..)


  1. Einfach genial!
    When you show it like this it's like magic - easy, clean and quick. Thanks for sharing: this little video will be a new 'must' for all Lithops-addicts!

    1. Danke Art :) I was worried the video would not show it clear enough, thanks again!

  2. Hi Rika,

    Hope you are well, some time since my last visit due to being a dad. Glad to see you are still posting some great info and pics.

    1. Oh long time no see! :D Yes I thought you were too busy with the baby to do any blogging. Looking forward to your new posts! Please do take new photos of your plants, you had so many interesting seedling, it inspired me to grow more mesembs from seed myself.
      Thanks for stepping by :)

  3. Great video. Should answer Bobs questions. I have never used pumice and I did worry about root damage. I am not brave enough.

    1. Thanks Alain :)
      Now I can avoid describing it every time and can just link to the video XD
      You should try it sometime. On the other hand your plants seem to like your substrate very much as it is so there's no pressing need for you to change it.

  4. Hi Rika, your video is very successful in Spain.Congratulations!

  5. Hi :D I'm so glad you find it helpful, thank you!

  6. Лихо Вы с ними! Долго не заморачиваясь, чтобы там корешки строго вниз, или еще что нибуть такое... И главное им это нравится - во какие упитанные :) Клас! Суперское видео!

    1. Очень очень рада, спасибо! :)
      Я с корнями не церемонюсь, они быстро отрастают, если что :) Главное пересаживать из сухого субстрата в сухой.
