
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Anacampseros namaquensis flower (2 pics)

It took my Anacampseros namaquensis 3 to 4 weeks to fully develop flower stalks and now the flowers open one by one. I missed the first flower but here is the second one. Very cute but short-lived - it stayed open only for 2 hours after opening around 16:30 today. To not miss this kind of Anacampseros or Avonia flowers here's the rule: If you see something red (or white) at the tip of the bud around midday or even earlier the flower will open in the evening. This way you can make arrangements like cancelling all plans you had with your friends that day :D


  1. New wallpaper for me. Very pretty flowers. Apparently Aanacampseros namaquensis is now considered (at least by some) a subspecies of A. filamentosa. A change made by Gordon Rowley in 1994. It seems ssp namaquensis has shorter whiskers than ssp. filamentosa and ssp. tomentosa. I quess it is a personal choice as to whether that qualifies it as a species, or a subspecies. There's a lot of personal choices in plant classification. Irregardless of the name, it's a succulent with a lovely flower and it looks as if it enjoys your company. Very nice. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Thank you very much Bob :)
      And thank you for clarifying the name. I'll change it in my records. Proper naming is important.

      Wondering if this plant is self-fertile. I think it should be but we'll see.

  2. I take plants to work so not to miss the flowers.

    1. Hehe that's a good idea in cases where it's possible. These flower stalks are a too fragile for transport though... And I couldn't take pictures while at work ;)
