
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Growth spurt for Lithops seedlings (2 pics)

I know I've posted the second pic recently but you can only really appreciate the first one in comparison :)
The L. aucampiae seedlings have increased in size a lot in only one month between 7.04 and 3.05. This is not what I had in mind as I transplanted them to give them more room to spread. But I'm glad they liked their new 8,5cm deep container!


  1. Can never quite get used to these as plants. I tried looking after one once - but it died.

    1. Losses are normal. Every winter some may die even if you do everything right (appropriate substrate, light condition, watering schedule). Try growing them from seed or buy like 20 plants then you can say you really tried :)

  2. There's nothing as beautiful as a group of well grown lithops seedlings. Such wonderful colors and patterns. I've never grown the white flowered aucampiae. I would like to grow L. aucampiae C002 shown in Cole's latest book on page 83. They have very large chocolate colored windows. I'll be trying out your transplanting method very soon on my one year old seedlings.

    1. Thank you very much :)
      I've managed to kill all the adult aucampiae I've had so far so now I have high hopes for those I grow from seed. The problem I have with aucampiae is the fact they are so big. On my windowsill all lithops grow small and the bigger kinds tend to not regenerate properly (can't digest all the flesh in time). Hope these seedlings will make it when they reach adulthood...

      I'll be waiting for updated in your blog ;)
