
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Moving to a new apartment!

Dear readers,

I have neither been updating the blog for a while nor replying to your emails but I'm here and I'm well and I'm going to do both soon. It has been stressful at work and I have horribly neglected the plants due to that. I'm sad to report that some will surely not survive this winter (probably because of bugs, I don't even have time to check) but it can only get better from now on. In fact, it will get much better pretty soon since I finally found and rented an apartment that is big and sunny and perfect in any sense I can think of! It will also provide plenty of room for plants so that I can take care of them right after the move. That is also when I'm going to report on all the changes. I'll try to keep you posted on twitter if you don't mind :)

Now I have to run and look for moving boxes!


  1. Good to have you back. Sorry to hear you had problems but the new place sounds great.

    1. Thank you :)
      Yes, but the apartment doesn't sound as great now that I've moved. It is not as sunny as I thought and I will have to change the care for my plants a lot to be able to grow them, I guess...
      Happy New Year!

  2. Na, das sind doch gute Aussichten! Einen raschen Umzug und einen guten Rutsch wünsch ich dir!

    1. Frohes Neues Jahr Art! :)
      Es is alles sehr stressvoll und die Wohnung scheint auch nicht so optimal für die Pflanzen zu sein wie ich gedacht habe... Ich versuche nicht zu verzweifeln in der leeren ungemütlichen Wohnung. Es dauert wohl noch ewig bis sie wie ein richtiges Zuhause aussieht und man sich darin wohl fühlt.

    2. Das wird schon!
      Und die Tage werden auch schon länger.
      Wenn die Lithöpser (hmm, ich glaub, das geht nun wirklich nicht...) ihre Tracht wechseln, ist die Wohnung bestimmt schon ein trautes Heim!
      Daumen drück. Alles Gute - Brot und Salz - !

  3. Hey goodluck with the move! I just moved as well. Despite the painting and unpacking that still need to be done, for some reason I ended up with conophytum seeds so I'm just poking around to find out how to sow them. Have fun in the new digs!

    1. Thank you and good luck with your new place too! :) I don't move often so it is kinda depressing at the moment to not feel at home anywhere but it should change once I have furniture. Good luck with the Conophytum seeds!

  4. Good luck :D
    Take care of your lovely plants ;)

  5. Can't wait to see more pics !
