
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Recent flowers (8 pics)

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while. It's been busy and stressful lately, I barely could look at my plants at all and I hope I can get to answering the emails soon... My life is mostly work and sleep and work. No time for a clear thought. 
I was trying to take pictures of the flowers in the evenings though. This is what has been flowering since my last post.

Lithops dorotheae C300 has skipped a year but developed a beautiful flower again this time.

Delosperma harazianum has opened another flower and is growing two more at the moment. Utterly cute!

Crassula ausensis ssp. titanopsisis having a second wave of flowering (smells like cheese)...

... while Neohenricia sibbetii has grown its last flower for this season. It has been at it since May! It loves the company of an Adromischus by the way. I like to think that the pairing is mutually beneficial.

Once of the Stomatium alboroseum seedlings (even though it's not a seedling anymore) has grown a second flower this season which is pretty neat.

Two of the Conophytums are blooming, too.

As well as one of the Tanquana hilmarii plants.

All in all my plants are getting on with their lives perfectly without me...


  1. What a wonderful collection of flowering succulent plants. You have one of the finest window collections of succulents I have ever seen. Sorry your work has taken so much of your time, but you are right, your plants handle your absence very well.

    On average now, how often do you water an individual plant? I know that varies with each plant but I'm trying to estimate how much time you spend watering. It would seem a pure pumice potting mix would dry out relatively fast. However, if your apartment is relatively cool, that might slow up the evaporation of water from the pumice. I'm still trying to understand the water/air dynamics of a pure pumice substrate. I have a group of haworthias growing in pure pumice and they are doing fine. I am watering them about every five days. They have very vigorous root system.

    Thanks for the great photos of your great plants. Hope you get a break from work soon.

    1. Thank you very much Bob :)
      I'm quite relieved to see that the plants are doing fine even though I only have time to inspect them thoroughly on weekends. More Crassula flowers are coming and there are even more flowers on the Neohenricia. I do hope to see some flowering from my Aloinopsis plants this year. They are quite capricious in this regard... At least on my windowsill ^^a

      This is the second year I grow my plants in an a bit colder environment. I'm not home all day so the heating is off. Still the mesembs other than lithops get thirstly very quickly during their growing period. I judge by softness and wrinkliness of the plants as well as dryness of the pumice (color shows it clearly). I don't have a schedule for watering. I look at my plants and if I see one is thirsty I water it... I rarely water lithops but it might be once a week for others these days. Many went into their growing phase recently.
      But it's really hard to tell...

      Hope you are having a good week so far :) I'm doing a lot of overtime these days.

      PS: The root system is truly impressive in pumice indeed!

  2. Nice to see the flowers and it is good that you did not miss them. Do you have any seed of the Delosperma harazianum left?


    1. Thank you :)

      Yes, I still have some seeds left. I has the cutest flowers ♡

    2. How can I contact you about the seeds.


  3. Какая радость! Столько цветения! Поздравляю!

    1. Спасибо! Очень надеюсь на цветение алоинопсисов в этом году, но крепко сомневаюсь...

    2. Спасибо! Очень надеюсь на цветение алоинопсисов в этом году, но крепко сомневаюсь...

  4. Hey, love the blog. I came across the blog looking to confirm if my plant is Stomatium alboroseum. Can you help? Any guidance is appreciated.

    1. Hi, thanks for visiting :)

      Looks very much like a Stomatium to me. If it blooms at night it's a Stomatium. If it blooms during the day then not.

    2. Ha, great, and thanks. That is an easy determinant. Any ideas on the species at this stage?

    3. The label says alboroseum. I don't see any reason for you to doubt that at this stage :)

    4. Oh, that's because I changed the label. I'll keep an eye on it as it develops to see if there are any more determining features. Thanks for the quick responses!
