
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Today's flower buds (3 pics)

The newest flower buds have developed to a considerable size by now and should hopefully open soon. Flowering is not very frequent occurrence for me so to have so many potential flowers this season is pretty exciting! Unless they drop... I saw it happen a lot, so... For now, fingers crossed.

Aloinopsis rubrolineata looks like its flower will make it on the first try this year. Should they actually flower in summer? I always thought they did it in the fall and winter but okay. The Titanopsis Group book says the flowering is in winter and spring. Last year this plant was growing and drying up flowers in summer until it finally bloomed in late November.

This Aloinopsis rosulata is relatively new on the windowsil, I got it in March. The acclimation is going very well so far, a lot of new growth and always good reaction to water. It needs a sunnier spot but it is unfortunatelly too big to stand in the middle.

And finally Prepodesma orpenii! My other plant is growing flowers too but they are way too small and it is uncertain they will ever develop fully. In case they do I'll try to gather and store pollen from this one when it opens.


  1. I have found Mesembs. have flowers very well this year. Could this be as there has been little cold weather and more sun than normal. Prepodesma orpenii has been very good.Please see and

    1. Indeed. Mine have never been as eager to flower as this year. I wonder what changed.
      You plants are beautiful Alain :)

  2. Thrilling! Waiting for the flower-pics!
