
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Cheiridopsis

I must be doing something right with these Cheiridopsis denticulata kids even though I have no idea what. They're just happy and grow like crazy (for mesemb standards). They've grown a second pair of those big and beautifully sculptured leaves and almost all of them have developed side shoots. One is even growing two new side branches now, going from one to four within a year. I hope they will keep this up and flower one day. They seem to find the condictions I can offer them not only acceptable but very enjoyable. :)


  1. In form and color, Cheiridopsis denticulata are beautiful plants, and yours are growing wonderfully. New leaf color looks particularly nice. It's easy to picture large clumps growing out on the white quartz fields of the succulent Karoo of South Africa. I hope you eventually have the space to grow a large clump. How often are you watering these now? They do great.

    1. Thank you! I am surprised myself about how well they grow! I expected them to make all kinds of problems. Also I think they are not growing mainly in winter here, they are pretty active now.

      I water them a lot, I think (2x a week maybe). The pots are tiny compared to the plant size and they start looking thirsty quickly. I'm watering depending on the softness and wrinkliness of the leaves.
