Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gracilidelineata seedlings first to regenerate (5 pics)

My 2009 L. gracilidelineata seedlings are first to fully show their new faces this year. They looks so fresh and spotless. Since it is still dark outside I am not watering them and luckily they seem to be in a stasis for now, also waiting for the spring.


  1. Hi Rika, I'm not growing L. gracilidelineata now, but when I did I don't remember my new leaves being so pink; they're really attractive. I took a peek at my over-wintering lithops and things are going slow. Just a couple beginning to regenerate, most look the same as when I placed them on the windowsill. I closed the curtains and allowed them to go back to sleep, or whatever they do when I'm not looking. :) Correct me if I'm wrong but L. gracilidelineata is one of the lithops that stays single headed most of its life? I remember it matures into a very large plants, maybe one of the largest lithops. Beautiful seedlings. Lithops are really neat plants. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Bob, thanks for your comment :)

      Their leaves do get a bit paler as they mature. In fact I have here several L fulviceps v. lactinea that are growing new leaves of orange color that will be blueish-white as they mature. The gracilidelineata above were sown as C189, C261, C309 and C373 but got mixed after I dropped the pot and now they actually look like they are all of one kind to me. C189 looks like the only one that is a bit pink - - but who knows :)
      Mine are fairly small, even though they are 5 years old. They will increase in size once I start watering but not much. I always imagined them to be huge pancakes but under my conditions they're rather petite.

      It's February and it is definitely a good thing that your lithops "feel" there's no hurry! :) Full regeneration around April is a rule if the conditions are right. Leaf change before that can result in bad shape (if the grower has to water them while it's still dark) and leaf change in May and even later confuses the cycle and leads to problems during the next regeneration.
      Mine have it very warm in winter and easily get confused. Being strict with waterings is my only asset. Under these conditions it is better for them to regenerate early and then fall into stasis until spring than regenerate late and get all kind of problems.

  2. Какие они у Вас красавчики!..Изумительный розовый цвет! Я очень люблю Ваши литопсы - хотя заметила что Вы в последнее время больше другими мезиками интересуетесь. Если можно покажите Ваши японские Юльки и Карасмонташки когда они отлиняют. Они мои любимчики .Буду ждать новых фоток.

  3. Спасибо большое! Сама любуюсь, особенно потому что из семян выращены :)
    Да, я пару лет как осваиваю другие мезембы, но литопсов у меня всё равно большинство. Из Юлии у меня один остался, и какой-то вялый. Юлии у меня к сожалению долго не живут :( ... Карасмонтаны ещё не полиняли. Покажу, как справятся :)
    Спасибо большое что заглядываете! Постараюсь на выходных пофотографировать.

  4. Hi,
    die gracilidelineata sehen prächtig aus Wo hast du nur die Samen her? Da würd ich doch glatt mal bestellen!
    Gruss aus Spanien

    1. Hi und schöne Grüße aus Trier :)
      Vielen Dank. Die Samen habe ich von Uwe Beyer (cono's paradise).

    2. Tja, da war ich wohl zu spät! (Meine Samen von Lithops sind auch überwiegend von ihm - ebenso Trichodiadema und Frithia). Die ersten Lithops-Sämlinge beginnen ihre Mauser - ¡¡¡spannend!!!

    3. Was? Gabs keine gracili Samen mehr? Wie wärs mit pseudotrucatella? Die sehen ähnlich aus :)

      Immer spannend!
