Saturday, September 14, 2013

Crassula ausensis ssp. titanopsis

Sunny days are definitely over. It's rainy and dark outside the window but after the recent heat wave all the plants seem to catch a breath and look refreshed. The trick is to watch them closely now and not to overwater which would lead to weird shapes and other problems. Just water the thirsty ones (as always, actually).

Recently I've been looking a lot at pictures of tiny mesemb-like kinds of Crassulas. Those with nicely textured leaves. They look much like little Aloinopsis or Titanopsis bushes with only flower stocks to tell they are not. My guess is they should be easier to grow in terms of watering, too. This little Crassula ausensis ssp. titanopsis arrived in the mail pretty wrinkled and thirsty. I only can pick up packages at the mail office on Saturdays nowadays and it had to wait there for a week. After I removed quite some roots and planted it (5cm pot) I've watered it thoroughly against the normal art I proceed. Only a day after the pumice was dry and the plant firm. (I've noticed on Cheiridopsis pots comparatively that if the plant doesn't drink the pumice substrate stays wet for a long time. More on it later.) Anyway, I'm so fond of this plant that I have to get a couple more ♥


  1. Such plants are called "honorary mesembs" :)

    1. That's right :D I read about it in the MSG bulletin :D

  2. I see that You have a same weather like here, in Poland and we treat our plants the same way - they are still outside and we don't give water if there is no reason. So now I'm sure, my way is good :D

    1. No water if there's no reason is the best strategy! :D
      Btw, you're lucky you have an "outside" ;)

  3. Do you grow Crassula mesembryantemopsis?

    1. No, I only have this one. I've recently bought C. coralita but haven't received it yet..

  4. I do not know C.coralita but I have looked it up and it looks a bit like Morgans Beauty.

    1. I've checked out the C. mesembryantemopsis and will try to get one. They are really pretty.

  5. I will try to remember to take some photos of my C. mesembryantemopsis.
