Wednesday, August 7, 2013

White Avonia's flower (2 pics)

I'll just quickly post the pics because I really need to go sleep now. Waking up at 5 am every day isn't easy. I was back from work at 7 pm today and found this waiting for me and for the camera. :) There are 10 flowers altogether! Amazing little plant. This summer is officially Avonia's summer.

Thank you, my dear readers, for commenting and mailing me these days! I will write to you (and update the blog at the normal rate) as soon as I'm able to gather my thoughts between work and sleep. 


  1. Hi Rika,

    Now I want the top picture for my computer wallpaper. Avonia really has nice flowers, shame they are so short lived. I guess that makes them even more exciting.

    Gordon Rowley, British botanist and succulent enthusiast has said, "Avonia quinaria ssp. alstonii is on his list of Top Ten Best Succulents other than cacti, and is the most popular of all Avonias and Anacampseros.

    I say, congratulations to the grower who can keep these plants in character and then produce flowers. Thanks for sharing your Avonia summer with us. :D

    1. Good thing they flower in the evening and I can catch them after work :3
      I'm actually getting interested in Anacampseros lately. And yes, seeing these flowers no wonder Avonia quinaria are so popular (Don't they call it "honorary mesemb" in the MSG bulletin? :D ). There's beauty in other Avonias too of course.

      I didn't believe alstonii would flower this year but now it grew 10 flowers! Plants are full of surprises :) They do warm my heart when they do this, nothing is taken for granted.

  2. Very, very beautiful! The flower is like on the apple-tree. Does it has any scent?

    1. They are! True, little sakura blossoms :)
      I couldn't detect any scent though.

  3. Beautiful bloom. What a nice surprise to come home to. :) Perhaps, you will receive a new flower each day you come home from work?

    1. Thanks. Since then I had another day with one flower and today two more of them opened. There are 6 more flowers to go :) It's Avonia's summer~
