Sunday, April 24, 2016

Much anticipated flower

I have something to be excited about these days. This is my own Titanopsis primosii seedling :)


  1. I do like the buds on Titanopsis. I look forward to seeing the flower.

    1. I agree, the buds alone are a work of art. I very much hope it'll develop fully. My plants tend to abort flowers a lot. Not enough strength. Currently there are two tiny buds on my Ebracteola wilmaniae but I don't think they'll ever develop. The plant produces them every season but has managed to grow a flower to full size only once so far.

  2. Actually bud abortion on a plant this small is not unusual. I do hope this flower opens for you. It's a beautiful little plant. It's also a very nice photo. I also look forward to seeing the flower.

    1. Flower abortion is very common on my windowsill with plants of all sizes. Ebracteola is one of the largest and normally can't gather the strength to develop its flowers fully.

      I'm looking forward to it too. With an own seedling it's something special :)

  3. OK, I'm envious, none of my Titanopsis have ever bloomed, yours is just lovely!

    1. None of my grown-up Titanopsis promosii ever flowers! They don't even try. But this little guy did. The time will come for your plants too :)
