
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Free seeds

Yesterday I finally came around to sorting out my seed boxes and sowing some Lithops. I've sown 22 different kinds! Some of them have been waiting for 5 years so I'm not sure what to expect of the germination rate but we'll see. I read they can stay viable for 30 years.
I've also harvested some seed capsules and have more seeds to offer for free now.
Please check the list HERE. (all sold)


  1. I have got seed from various sources this year. Probably too much but I have worked out how to get another bench in the greenhouse and it cannot be left empty.

    1. No, it absolutely can not! :D Good luck with this year's sowing!

      I haven't set up my own "bench" yet but it's coming... and then i'll sow EVERYTHING!

  2. Pseudotruncatella dentritica und C362 bromfieldii würden mich schon reizen! Vielleicht findest Du in meinem Blog Samen zum Tausch (kann auch überweisen, paypal hab ich nicht mehr.)
    PD: Toller Samenkasten übrigens!

    1. Vielen Dank :) Ist eigentlich für Teebeutel, aber viel besser zum Sortieren und Lagern von Mesembs Samen ;)

      Ich hab noch ein Päckchen C362, aber keine pseudotruncatella mehr. Mail mir mal deine Adresse.

  3. Ein Teebeutelkaste!! LOL - was es nicht alles gibt. Von manufactum ...?
    Über Blogger komm ich nicht rein, mal sehen, hier ist mein mail: art _jardines @ yahoo. es , lass einfach die Zwischenräume weg! :) Kannst auch über meinen blog antworten (About-runterscrollen: Text eingeben, ist für Dritte nicht einsehbar!)
    Sorry, dass ich so kompliziert bin - mag aber keine Anschriften ins Netz stellen!


    1. Die Samenkiste ist die hier: ;) Hab sie bei Mambo hier im Laden aufgestöbert.
      Hab dir ne Email geschickt. Seltsam, dass du meine hier nicht einsehen kannst.. Bist du sicher, dass du sie nicht bekommst, wenn du "view my complete profile" anclickst?

  4. I store my seeds in fridge,I think low temperature and low humidity is more conducive to store have so much different kinds,where did you buy that?I like sown too.

    1. Hi :)
      I heard keeping them is the fridge is a good idea but I don't do that. I just keep them in the box.
      I buy them from Mesa Garden mostly but also from Cono's Paradise sometimes.

  5. Hi Rika
    Do you still have any seeds available? I would love some of your rich coloured ones, I don't think we have some of them here in Australia. Let me know if you can send me something special, I will pay the postage to you through Paypal :)

    1. Hi :) Thanks for visiting!

      I still have the following:
      - Delosperma harazianum (harvest 2015) --> photo attached
      - Lithops lesliei v. hornii 'Green Horn' (C15A) ex. Shimada (harvest 2011)
      - Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis (C224) (harvest 2012)
      - Lithops schwantesii v. marthae (C249) (harvest 2012, up to 50 seeds)
      - Lithops fulviceps 'Aurea' (C363) (harvest 2015, 20 seeds)
      - Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea (C222) (harvest 2015, 20 seeds)

      If you want some of them email me (the address is somewhere in my profile)

    2. Thankyou Rika
      I have just emailed you
