
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Adenium (7 pics)

Check out these butts! :D

I have sown these Adeniums in 2008 or 2009, sometime before I went to study in Japan, and never picked them up from my parents after that (no room and all). My mother has been taking very good care of them and the caudex part of the plants looks great! The green part however doesn't really want to grow properly so I took them back now to see if I can help with that. My parents don't really find them pretty so maybe they will once they see how they can bloom ;)

The substrate I used now is a mix of cacti soil and pumice, the containers are deep to give them more "leg" room. If I remember correctly the one with narrow leaves is an A. somalense. The one without leaves will need some trimming but I read it is better done before spring (?). The largest is 13 cm in diameter. Any advise on how to get them to grow the upper part? 


  1. Give them as much sun as you can and they'll flower. Mine are flowering now.

    1. Congratulations!!

      Uuff I'd be happy if they at least started to grow some leaves, flowers would be too much to ask :)

  2. They have a really nice shape! I have some month-old, 5 cm tall A. obesum seedlings. All my adenium advice comes from this blog: Maybe there is a helpful tip there? I really enjoy reading your blog, thank you for sharing all these wonderful pictures of your plants :-)

    1. Thank you for sharing the link with me (as well as your own blog that looks great! ;) ). Just went there and already found some posts on pruning! Back when I started growing them I was pruning and shaping but nothing has been done since years and I'll need some guidance with it :)

      Thank you for stepping by. I'm very happy you like it!
