
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cactus & Succulent Market in Essen (33 pics)

Last Saturday I went to the Cactus & Succulent Market in Essen. I'd take any chance to see with my own eyes what I would normally only see on pictures online. And since there obviously was an opportunity to purchase something - how could you say no to such a trip? The only problem was the rain but, for me, it didn't matter much - I was running around and taking pictures anyway. There were a lot of cacti and caudex plants but in terms of mesembs there was only one grower presenting his. And actually it way enough - I stopped there and couldn't walk away untill I've seen his plants from all sides. Those were the tiniest mesembs you could possibly imagine. I didn't even know you can grow them that compactly - a dreamlike scenery and a goal to pursue. Who knew you could grow a Cheiridopsis species of the size of the smallest Conophytum! He had a beautifully grown selection of Conophytums there so, totally impressed, I bought 6 plants. You probably can't see it from the pictures but they are really really tiny.
(please click on the pictures for full size)

Lots and lots of cacti (and some lithops)

A really small Trichodiadema bonsai!

There was an Adenium grafted onto a .... coconut?

Delospermas: regular and extra cute.

Aaaand more cacti!


  1. Wonderful pictures. Thanks Rika for taking the time to take all the photographs and post them on your blog. I haven't had time to look them over carefully, but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your visit to Essen C&S Market with us. I'll comment in more detail when I've had more time to look carefully at the pictures. How were the prices for the plants you were familiar with? Sometimes such markets offer plants at very low prices because they want to have less plants to transport back to their nurseries.

    1. You're welcome Bob :) And sorry that the pictures are so big, it makes it a pain to load my blog now... I'll try to figure out how to bring them under a "more" button.

      The prices were very very low. If I had a greenhouse (and a car) I'd surely buy much much more! I'd probably buy the whole mesemb stand XD That was really lucky for other mesemb fans ;)

  2. So nice! Thanks for editing and sharing with us! So many things to see! Pots ful of 'topreds' and even Sinningia leucotricha.... I'll have many more looks, until the envy-green I'm feeling now turns into 'green-grapes-green' for some reason I still don't know! A little Tolumnia with yellow flowers has made its way into succulents, too...
    Well, we'll wait to see the new acquisitions soon!

    1. You're welcome :)
      Same goes for me! The only comforting thought is that if I work towards it someday I will have a greenhouse of my own and will have a chance to grow all the plants I want!! :) Those growers are all so lucky

  3. Nice pictures! I was there on Saturday and it was amazing.

  4. Have you been to ELK for the plant sales. I have just visited two nurseries while on holiday. Could not resist some Lithops seedlings. I will take some photos. There is a mesemb event this September which is always a great place to get some plants. The Conos. on Terry Smale's table always attract a crowd.

    1. I don't know what ELK is but I'm happy you could visit. For me, it's such a rare ocasion. It leaves me optimistic and enthusiastic and wanting to sow everything! :)

  5. Essen is on my list every year. But unfortunately this time I had to work both afternoons and due to road works between Bochum and Essen I decided to stay away. No new Lithops, no new cacti for my collection. Not even Geohintonia mexicana... ;-)
    Thaks for sharing the pictures with us.
    Cheers, Antje

    1. This is the first time I went and I loved it. I'm going next year for sure - we should meet up! ;)

      We, mesemb fans, should work as a team. We should connect and meet. If someone can't go, others could look out and buy plants at these ocasions for him or her... That's of course not the same as choosing plants yourself which is for me the most fun part :)

  6. Here is the link to ELK Lots of plant sales.

  7. Very interesting info, thanks, Rika! And what is the secret of growing Cheiridopsis species of small size, tough conditions?

    1. You're welcome :)

      Yes, tough conditions I imagine. But also the kind of Cheiridopsis. I don't think it's possible to grow C. denticulata like this...
