
Monday, May 19, 2014

Neohenricia sibbetii 2014

One of the cuttings of my Neohenricia sibbetii has already started the flowering season. I had to stay late just to take the pictures - the flowers opened fully around 23:00!


  1. Mine normally flower later in the Summer but I have a lot of plants flowering early.

    1. I noticed that Neohenricia can flower all summer long if it feels like it :)
      My other cutting and the "main" plant haven't started yet. The one on the photo grows particularly well.

  2. Hi Rika! Those flowers are really little, but so nice. Congratulations. It's nice to be able to enjoy your neohenricia, because I don't have any. :( I once have two, but killed them both by not giving them the water they really like during their growing season. This was a mesemb with which I learned you can have problems with too little water as well as with the more common problem of too much water. I always used a well drained potting media. But, when you combine good drainage with too little water you can stress, or even kill, your plants. So, thank you for taking such good care of your plants. I still feel bad for not taking good care of mine. Don't forget, Neohenricia can hybridize with Titanopsis, so have your little paint brush handy and make like a bee if you can get the two to flower together. As always, thanks for sharing your plants with us.

    1. Thanks Bob :)

      True, they seem to be more prone to drying out than rotting. Being so tiny the do need a little support. But when they do they spread nicely. The reason I've divided my plant unto cuttings was that it went "overboard" and now if you look at the photo above the cutting is already spreading in the direction of the neighboring pot ^^

      Ufff the day when I have two compatible plants flowering at the same time will be the day I'll celebrate with champagne and fireworks :D But the brush is always ready! At the moment I really hope the Prepodesmas will flower simultaneously but first they have to take care and not drop the flower buds (I'm not breathing around them)...
