Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2012 lithops seedlings report (2 pics)

These guys hatched in October 2012 and most of them are changing into first true leaves these days. Yep, they're that slow. They share one 5cm pot as a space saving measure. To the right you see bromfieldii v. glaudinae 'Rubroroseus' C393A - amazing germination and first year survival rate of 25 out of 27! I doubt they're Rubroroseus (those show much more magenta) but several seedlings have very attractive orange/red color and lovely markings so that's okay. The greenies are aucampiae ssp. euniceae 'Bellaketty' (4 plants out of 5 seeds). The one in the middle has its second real leaves while the other still have their first. Very promising!


PS: I can't take a proper photo of the other October seedlings, aucampiae 'White Flower' C2A from own seeds. They look just like the pumice stones, perfectly camouflaged. Will have to wait until they're a little bigger.


  1. they look awesome!!!! congratulations!!

  2. Wow, these are gorgeous! I have never thought to grow them from seeds. I would love to see the White Flowers at this stage. It would be fun to try to find them in the pumice stone.
    Debbie :)

    1. Hello Debbie :)
      Growing lithops from seed is really worth a try. It takes a while but the plants turn out healthier and stronger... and there are always surprises in color and markings.

      Okay, I'll post the pics shortly!

    2. I'll have to see if I can find a source online, I know the seeds aren't carried around here. I've never seen them in the seed catalogues I get.

    3. I bought the parent plants from Yasuhiko Shimada in Japan directly back in 2010. The plants died but I could get their seeds before. I really want to grow this species again. My hopes are on these seedlings. :)
