Wednesday, March 20, 2013

steineckeana babies

Some happy plants.


  1. Aren't baby Lithops just the cutest things?

  2. I just love those colours... never knew steineckiana could be so orange.

    1. I think I actually like the stony-marble looking grey-ish ones more, because they are unusual and unlike the "standard" lithops. the ones with more patterns and a bright color remind me of pseudotruncatella too much. beautiful nevertheless, of course :)

  3. The strange looking Lithops relative - but SO damn cute!! :)

  4. Здравствуйте Rika! Вспомнила о еще одной компании Ваших малышей вот из этого поста Как они там поживают? Уже показали свои новые рисунки?

    1. Здравствуйте :)
      Линяют ещё, страшненькие пока.
      Только вот чувствую я перепутала покетики. Покупала карасмонтану суммитатум и эти julii. там только номера на покетике были и, кажется, у меня карасмонтана растет, притом не особо красная.. хотя и обмануть могли)))

  5. Ясненько. Может еще "вылиняются" из гадкого утенка в красны лебеди... Будем ждать и надеяться :)

  6. Hello, Rika. Thank you for sharing your lithops stories. I like your blog :)

  7. Как поживает ваш малыш Бахус? Не полинял еще? Покажите, пожалуйста, если но уже готов фотографироваться :)

    1. Да нет, Ирина, там показывать пока нечего :)
      Стоит сморщенный, но новые листья даже не показываются ещё...
      Я что-то совсем замоталась, один стресс.... (

  8. Иногда после затянувшейся зимы самочувствие такое... ну как сморщенный литопс, но придет момент, и все вдруг станет зеленым, а воздухе запахнет теплом, и душа снова воспрянет, а в жизни все наладится ;)

  9. WTF...Kyrillic? I don´t understand this!!! ;-) Google translations are much fun! *hrhrhr*
    Well, Rika, do you think all of your seedlings are REAL L. steineckeana or do you also wonder if there´s something else mixed in between? You surely know why I ask because you know my topic at about falsely declared seed packs. ;-) The two in the middle for example in the first pic look so much different from the other seedlings regarding shape and colouration... :-S

    Kindest regards


    1. I'm 100% sure all of my seedlings are "real", as you say. It's absolutely normal for them to show bits of pseudotruncatella (as they are their ancestors). Only a small part is completely without patterns and even the patterned ones are shaped perfectly steineckeana-like. This is actually what makes them so special: the different levels of the pseudotruncatella transformation. ;)

  10. Hi Rika, got a message from Rafael Matysiuk yesterday and he confirmed L. pseudotruncatella is one of the parentage. *glotz!* Oops, didn´t know that before! *blush blush blush* Well, I was aware L. steineckeana is regarded as a hybrid between a Lithops and a Conophytum. But haven´t read so far that it was already clear it´s L. pseudotruncatella as for the Lithops part. Now...than it´s not a miracle some of the seedlings look like typical Pseudotruncatella! 8-D So, I can put my mind at rest...hehe! Kakteen Haage has just received adult L. steineckeana when I first complained to them. They offered me two specimens...which I had to pay when it turned out I didn´t in fact purchased the C 388 seed from them. High quality and good looking plants! But I have to admit the seedlings look more attractive to me. ;-)
    Thanks for your help (again).

    Best regards


    1. You're welcome. :) Lithops are very mysterious sometimes and we love them for it!
      Are you sure your seedlings are something else? Maybe they're just too small and don't show the proper looks yet... Mine have grown 2 times the size they have on the photos above. They seem to be quite undemanding when grown from seed. On the other hand I have far less problems with plants I've grown from seed than those I've bought as adults in general. XD They accept my conditions because they don't have any other conditions to compare XD

    2. Indeed! I have realised as well that plants grown from seed can cope far better with my conditions - like Titanopsis for example, also Faucaria and some Lithops of which adults never made it for me. :( Purchasing plants does not make much sense to me anymore after all. Though I´ve got a couple of very nice and strong specimens of Uhlig Kakteen.
      On the other hand there are several Lithops species and forms I can´t even grow from seed! B-( L. karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii is one of these impossible to grow "forms" for me. I usually have 100% loss of my seedlings over a time span of a year!!! *argh!*


    3. If some species don't grow at your place just don't grow them ;) Less plant-killing, more room for other beautiful Mesembs! I've just started growing Titanopsis from seed and am still not sure if they're doing fine or not XD Time will tell. So congratulations on your seedlings!
