Friday, November 16, 2012

Frithia seedlings: another update

The cute little Frithia humilis seedlings are still looking good. :) I've discovered bugs in their substrate today and spontaneously decided to transplant. Just in case. These pictures were taken before and during the procedure. 


  1. Wow they really look well!!! Mine have turned yellow now and I+m afraid that it will die.

    1. Thanks! :) I'm satisfied with their development, too.
      I wished I could give you an advice but I have very little experience with them and have killed their mother-plant... Maybe it's just its winter appearance?

  2. Славные маленькие фритии! Пусть растут здоровы! У меня была одна - очень жаль теперь уже нет. Я так и не смогла распознать ее потребности :(

    1. Я тоже родительницу этих малышей сгубила, и тоже до сих пор не знаю, почему точно. Может просто не повезло, и вам, и мне :)
      Вот из семян вроде хорошо дело идет, советую и вам попробовать!
